The organization of the Seamen’s Mission
The Finnish Seamen’s Mission
The association is founded in 1875 and its highest decision-making body are member meetings. The annual meeting on the spring side deals with and decides on the annual report, the financial statements, the business plan and the budget. The August election meeting elects the board and auditor.

The Board is composed of 12 members and elects the Secretary-General who governs the operational management. The Board may appoint committees such as labor and finance committees to its assistance.
The board – 2024
Laura Elomaa-Piippo
Lena Grenat
Jukka Keskitalo
Kimmo Kääriäinen
Timo Lappalainen (chair)
Tarja Larmasuo
Jan Laurell
Sami Ojala
Paula Raitis (vice chair)
Jukka Salo
Asta Turtiainen
Päivi Vähäkangas
The management team makes daily operational decisions. In addition, the Finnis Seamen’s Missions in Hamburg, Belgium and London are their own legal entities in their respective countries.
The Church Counclics at the missions abroad assist the Director in planning and executing operations and the economy.
The seven seamen’s missions in Finland operate in and nearby ports serving seafarers and others visiting and working in the ports. The five permanent Churcehs abroad offer many kind of services for Finns living and moving in the area around. Our mobile work reaches smaller communities further away from the churches. Sailing chaplains bring the Seamen’s Mission on board Finnish vessels.