In Finland, abroad and on board

The Finnish Seamen’s Mission is your friend at home, abroad and at sea. We go by your side when you need it. We have been working for seafarers and Finns abroad since 1875.

We maintain Finnish seamen’s churches in Finland and in Europe. Annually, there are over 150,000 meetings in our work.

Activities abroad

Our churches abroad are visited by Finns residing abroad, seafarers, students, au-pairs, long-haul drivers, working travellers, tourists and local Finland friends.

For people on the move, Seamen’s Church is a church. For every visitor, it’s a piece of homeland abroad, a home far away from home.

Seamen’s churches have over time become small bases of Finnish culture, and at the same time showcases in Europe for Finnish food and design.

In addition to the permanent establishments (Hamburg, Rotterdam, Brussels, London and Athens), there are mobile operations in Belgium, Ireland, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, North Germany, Spanish Sun Coast, UK, Southeast Asia and Warsaw.

Activities in Finland

In Finnish ports (Kemi, Oulu, Kokkola, Rauma, Turku, Vuosaari and Hamina) we meet seafarers of all nationalities — as they are met everywhere in the world. Our seamen’s missions are visited annually by thousands of seafarers of over 50 nationalities.

The doors are open to other visitors as well. Various groups visit us and especially in Turku and Vuosaari also long-haul drivers.

At each saeamen’s mission, a port chaplain works with volunteers. They visit ships even in nearby ports.

Activities on board

Our sailing chaplains are like port chaplains, but sail with Finnish ships. Their work bring the Seamen’s Mission services on board. The sailing chaplain is available for talks, but is subject to participate also in the daily duties on board.

Like the port chaplains, our sailing chaplains also carry out accident prevention work by supporting the general well-being of a seafarer and the working team.

Sailing chaplains have a duty of secrecy and act as outside listeners on the working team. During long work sessions, they make everyday life easier with their call of support.